That's been me for the past two years with my Adult Romance pen name. I'm having a lot of fun, and I certainly don't regret it. I have a lot going on over there, and it's been a lot of fun.
But, I have plans here too. Plans that including things like.
Better Living Through Chemistry: Faction Stories 3
Family Portraits: Royals of Grand Island 2
...oh and there's those two more Witchlands books that are totally written and just not edited yet. And then I can show you my superheroes.
I'm currently planning on moving the Witchlands into Kindle Unlimited and giving you all few days to grab it free, so keep on the look out for that in the next few weeks! <3
So don't worry. There's stuff happening, and I'll things to share with you all in 2020.
... crap I'm old.
And for a tease...